SST Online and 504 Services
sTUDent Study Team
sTUDent Study Team
SST's are school-based problem-solving teams utilized to review lack of academic progress, beavioral concerns, attendance/truancy issues, parent and/or teacher concerns, and to recommend alternative strategies/interventions to be implemented in the regular classroom. As such, student success teams are a function of general education..
504 TEAM
504 TEAM
Section 504 is not an aspect of "special education". Rather, it is a responsibility of the comprehensive general public education system. A student of school age is eligible if that sutdent has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits learning.After determing eligibility, the team develops an accommodation plan to be implemented in the general education classroom.
Membership on the Student Study team and the 504 team may vary
Membership on the Student Study team and the 504 team may vary
Team may include:
Referring person
Student (if age appropriate)
Additional Staff - including specialists who provide specialized input